Significant Slot Machine Myths Exposed

Well, before getting into the main topic of what are the rumours that prevails over a wide population of about slots, we should start with, “What is a slot machine?”. Generally, Slot machines are luck-based games widely popular among the high rollers because it generally allows the player to put a low wager and the chances of winning are good enough. Therefore, bettors have to take a low amount of risk when compared to other games like Blackjack, Roulettes, and so on.
The slots are machines which have spinning reels on them, and the bettor has to put coins inside the machines and then pull the lever which is generally on the sides of the machine or push the button (as in modern slot machines). Slots generally have an RNG (Random Number Generator) which is used to determine the spin and the combination of the reels. Slot Machines are also known as “One-Armed Bandit” because they have one lever which is placed on the side of the machines. Slots also help casinos earn a large amount of profit because it has a house edge of 30 -50 % on average.
The Concept of Online Slots
Nowadays, it is not possible for most people to make time and go to a casino so that they can play the slots. Hence, the online slot machines come into play. These encourage and interest those high rollers who have a very busy schedule and wish to play online from the comfort of their home. This, in turn, also benefits the casino by increasing their customers resulting in an increase in their profit.
Myths and Myth-Busters Revolving Around the Slot Machine
Now, let us introduce you to some fascinating myths that revolve around slots and also let you know about its busters. Check them out!
- The slots near the entrance and exit of a casino tend to be more advantageous to the bettors or said to be “loose” and the ones which are kept on the quieter and calm side tend to be more advantageous to the casinos or are said to be “tight”.
- There is a very high chance of winning a bet during the weekends as the casino “loosens” the settings whereas during the busy hours the casino “tightens” the settings so that they should not have to suffer from huge loses.
- The temperature of the coins that are to be used in the slots affects the chance of winning or losing the bet.
- One cannot win money or hit the jackpot if they use a slot card of membership card to play on the machines.
- This one might be the most unexpected and unbelievable one might come across; it is said that there is a tiny mischievous spirit inside the slots and if they do not like your face you would never win a jackpot.
- The slots can be controlled remotely by the casinos from their control room in order to control the winning of the bettors and minimise theirs loses.
- As for the one, the placement of the slot Machines does not affect the working of the slots.
- The fact is that the casino does not loosen or tighten the slot machines any time as the casino generally wants the bettors to play for a considerable period of time and if they spike the machine, then the bettors might lose their interests and stop playing.
- The slot machines remain unaffected to the temperature of the coins as it is totally mechanised.
- It is not true that a slot card or membership card can impact your winning and lose on a slot game.
- Tiny mischievous spirit does not inhabit inside the slots as they are totally mechanised, and it uses RNG (Random Number Generator) to determine the winning combinations.
- It might not be totally false as the casino might sometimes remotely control the slots to minimise the losses.
Final Thoughts
It seems we have come to an end. So, don’t just wait. Go and hit some jackpots and forget about all the myths.
Name: Significant Slot Machine Myths ExposedAuthor: Cosmic Casino
Published Date: 02 Oct 2019