Strategy for Playing Slots
Playing slot games have become even more exciting and intriguing for players over a short period of time due to the huge range from classic slot games to new-age pop culture slot games. There is an ongoing debate amongst players whether the simple slots strategies gives the user an advantage in long term play as slots have a higher house edge, functions randomly and partially depend on the player’s luck. It is important to understand how slots work to clear out the common misconceptions and a few simple strategies for playing slots listed for the optimal end result for players.

The Functioning and Playing Slots
Since playing slot games are continuously generating a series of numbers popularly called the Random Number Generator. When a player presses the spin or start button, the most recent series is randomly allocated resulting in the spinning of the reel. Further, the reel stops and shows the icons corresponding with the selected random numbers. Some of these stop icons are programmed to show up more than others resulting in one to 1 million chance of getting the same three icons. Playing slots is undeniably unbiased and cannot be predicted or calculated to sum up the player’s payout. Hence, slot games are heavily dependent on luck and a few simple strategies can be used by the players to improve the chances of winning.
Common Misconceptions About Playing Slots
There are many misconceptions and myths associated with playing slots such as:
Playing on a Slot Machine With Levers Is Profitable Rather Than a Spin Button
Slot machines with lever or buttons both function according to the Random Number Generator so the payout rate or house edge is exactly the same.
Slot Machines Pay Less During Busy Hours
Casinos needs to ensure repeat players, earn and give payouts to some players. If slot machines are tightened or pay out less during the day when there are more customers, then a loss in business would be noticeable. Apart from all of this, playing them also becomes extremely boring. So wins from slots does not depend on the time of day you are playing it.
Employees of Land Casinos Have Knowledge About Loose Slots That Pay More Often/ Slot Machines Without a Hit for Some Time Will Soon Give Out a Jackpot/ Predictable Cycle
Well, it is to be noted that slot machines run on Random Number Generator that is unpredictable. Generally, the employees are not aware of the payout rates of slot machines or the best slot machine in the casino. And there is no level of predictability on how and when the slot will hit a big jackpot.
Casino Player Cards Hamper the Payout Rate
Player cards are offered to track visits resulting in an increasing number of benefits like free meals or tickets. It doesn’t affect the slot payout rate at all.
Casino Alters the Payout Rate
Very few slot machines allow casinos to slightly increase the payout rate but that depends on rules and regulations of the state or country. Not all countries permit alterations and a very limited amount of slot games can be changed.
Basic Strategies for Playing Slots
Due to the unpredictability, there are basic strategies that can slightly improve the payout rate such as:
Look Out for Advertised High Payout Rates
There are many companies offering a lower house edge (97.5% – 98%) in comparison to other slots (99%) for promotions. Long term payout even though not guaranteed is a possibility.
Financial Management
Manage finances, check balance, determine and decide on what’s affordable while betting. Try to control impulses to play beyond budget.
Read the Advice Offered in Slot Games
There are tricks, tips and basic advice provided in each game for optimum utilisation of special elements or features embedded in the game.
Take a Break to Play Table Games
Slots are fun but have a very low payout percentage. Hence, it is also recommended to play other table games available for a change.
Collect the Ticket
Players should always wait after winning the game to collect the ticket that generally takes a few seconds.
Utilise the Player Card
Casinos reward players for loyalty and the card can be used to redeem points in meals, rooms or tickets.
Playing slots machines require players to be patient as it is a slow and steady game with low payout rates. It is recommended to deposit a small amount of money and play longer.
Physical Reels Over Virtual Reels
The physical reels have a higher rate of payout in comparison to the virtual reels, even though only a few places have actual reel slot games.
Play Simple Slot Games
Basic slot games have better odds even though new-age slot games are more attractive and exciting.
Higher Deposits Result in Higher Payouts
Players who can invest more money should play on a slot machine with a higher wager as it is more likely to award payouts frequently or give higher payouts once in a while.
Name: Strategy for Playing SlotsAuthor: Cosmic Casino
Published Date: 19 Jun 2019